Saturday, February 04, 2006

It's a non-working day!!!


This is my first day off for a couple of weeks, not much happens on a Saturday.

Got up at stupid o'clock to go to the
gym, the first time since last Sunday to be truthful. Been going for about 3 months now but you would need the most precise measuring instrument in the world to be able to calculate any loss to the circumference of my waistline. Still, I get to laugh at the people who have bigger beer guts than I, and drool over the ladies who don't.

Then it's back home to update the blog and relax while watching
Soccer AM, the funniest sports show on TV.

Around 2pm will be the weekly fight/slog/adventure around my local
ASDA. I hate shopping. No, I don't hate shopping, I just hate shopping when other people are shopping. These days it seems that my local ASDA is busy 24 x 7, I think I heard someone say it's quiet at 03.20 on a Tuesday, I'll mark that in my diary......

This evening is, as yet, unplanned. I'm leaning towards a drive along the coast, culminating in watching the ferry leave for Amsterdam while eating Fish & Chips on the banks of the Tyne at
South Shields. The exciting life I lead, eh!

My team is away to Birmingham today, an injury list as long as my arm and no Sol Campbell. Hopefully we can avoid defeat at least. Probably won't bother with
MotD this evening, there's got to be a movie on Channel Five that is more enjoyable.....

On this day:
Bacardi, one of the world's largest rum producers, was founded as a small distillery in Santiago de Cuba, Cuba (1862).

Talk hard!


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