Sunday, February 05, 2006


Despite saying yesterday that I wouldn't, I was sat in front of the box to watch MotD last night. A 0-2 win for my team, a debut goal for the new striker and a clean sheet, all in the same game!

Drove to South Shields, watched the Duke of Scandinavia (pic left) leave for Amsterdam. It was bloody freezing! Missed out on Fish & Chips, had a Chinese instead, it's not good for my waistline you know.

I was out in the motor at stupid o'clock this morning, and nearly died at the hands of a mental taxi driver who decided to overtake me on a 30mph road which has traffic calming humps every 50 yards. He didn't seem too keen to pull over and discuss his terrible driving skills over a coffee so I decided instead to drop in to the taxi office which is nearby.
Imagine my suprise when, after finding the that the drivers name was Jeff and he was an owner-driver, that was all they knew about him. No reg number, no badge number, no surname? Doesn't it worry you slightly that you could be in a taxi with a driver that no one knows about? It's pure muppetry!

Work tomorrow, oh joy.

On this day: The rationing of confectionery ends after 10 years, with schoolchildren first in the queue for unlimited sweets and chocolate (1953).

Talk Hard!


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