Wednesday, January 04, 2012

Man Flu

Afternoon reader, Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you.

So, Junior went back to his mum's on Christmas Eve, having enjoyed his stay and early Christmas. At least I think he enjoyed himself, he seemed to, I've not heard any bad reports as yet, which is a good thing.

Christmas day was spent at the outlaw's and boxing day was spent on the sofa, nice. I stuck my head in to the office on Wednesday and Thursday for a couple of hours, nothing much going on... and then I managed to hit the jackpot on Friday... another bout of man flu.

So NYE was spent on the sofa, watching TV, in fact I didn't leave the house between the 29th and the 3rd (amazingly I haven't been to the local since the 25th). I stuck my head in the office again yesterday but was home by 3, and today I'm back on the sofa. I must pull myself round, Canary Island's in 7 sleeps time, don't want to be ill for that.

Holidays are strange times, Miss Hard-on and I spend so little time together these days that you couldn't really call our situation a relationship anymore, it's just a 7 year habit, but we do enjoy holidays. If we have 6 weeks/42 nights away in 2012, we won't spend anywhere near that amount of time together across the rest of the year, she has her nights out with friends and I have mine. We might go out 2 or 3 times a month for dinner but that's about it. Strange.

Sometimes I think that it's time for a change, a new start, that I'm wasting my life just plodding through a relationship that isn't going anywhere and a job, while it is a very good job, that I don't particularly like anymore. And then other times I wonder what I would do without Miss Hard-on and think I am lucky to have her. And I honestly would bet my life that she feels exactly the same about the situation.

Anyway, enough seriousness for life time, need to get well then enjoy some sun, sea, sand, sex and all inclusive food and drink!

This blog was brought to you by Daniela Ruah (28) from NCIS: LA, a possible contender for the role of Mrs Hard-on

On this day: Donald Campbell is killed on Coniston Water while attempting to break the world water speed record (1967)

On the car iPod dock: nothing, haven't left home in ages

Talk hard!