Thursday, April 13, 2006


I blame Sol Cambell!

We've had an excellent run lately, then Sol comes back into the team, first he gets a bloody great gash in the side of his head, then Portsmouth score, and THEN he goes and breaks his bloody nose. Yes yes, I know it's not really his fault but everyone needs a scapegoat and Sol is mine......

Last day today, HURRAH!

No news on Harrietgate, I just mope around the house, she tell's me to cheer up, I just grunt and wander off, not wanting to confront the situation.

On the car cd: Jamiroquai - Dynamite

On this day: The film "Friday the 13th" is based on this day

Talk Hard!

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

A First!

This is the first time I've ever posted twice in one day, never really had the time before.

It's 21:56 as I type and I'm still at work, been here since 06:45 this morning, big workmen are testing the UPS and generators......

In answer to your question on this morning's blog Malcolm, I'm not really sure, I'd had a beer or two. She's been sending me nice texts all day so I feel a little guilty now, but then again, she would say that whether she'd cheated or not....?

I'll see if anything interesting is said when I get home tonight......

Headache Again

Morning all

Well, not being one to hold back, I went for the tactical approach and outright accused Happy Harriet of having an affair last night. I think the combination of this constant headache I have, tiredness and alcohol were to blame. To be honest I don't really remember what was said, I'd been at the pub since I finished work around 19:30.

Portsmouth tonight, and Ashley Cole is on the back pages today. He's told his friends he's off at the end of the season even if we win the Campions League. We you know what, I don't really care. We have Clichy to come back from injury and the super Flamini who, for a midfielder, is proving an excellent left back.

Busy days ahead, have to travel to the Peterlee office this afternoon for a meeting and then tomorrow is my last day, a whole 10 days holiday to look forward too. Have a lot to get through before end of play tomorrow......

On the car cd: Take That - Never Forget, The Ultimate Collection

On this day: The first launch of a Space Shuttle: Columbia launches on the STS-1 mission

Talk Hard!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


No, I'm not dead, you can stop the party now, I'm alive and well.

Took Thursday and Friday as holidays and to be honest I didn't switch the PC on once in four days. Nothing much happened, spent the whole of Friday arguing with Happy Harriet, my other half. Tried to relax as much as possible, didn't really work.....

The team got beat on Sunday by the Mancs. The best team on the day won to be honest, we were due a defeat but as long as we can show some bouncebackability tomorrow night against Portsmouth we should be fine. Sp*rs still have to play the Mancs and come to Highbury.

Too busy to post yesterday, had 246 emails waiting for me, I only took 2 bloody days off! Also spent the whole day interviewing for 3 new managers, I love making people squirm with difficult questions...

I think Happy Harriet is having an affair. I got a feeling last night, the one where something happens and a certain thought pops into your head, and you realise that you've had that thought in the back of your mind for ages and things just fall into place, you know what I mean?
She can't hold her drink, that's a fact. She'll pop out shopping for an hour and come back pissed 5 hours later. She does this regularly but nevr texts or calls to let me know where she is.

Last night wsa different. She is a bit of a stunner if I do say so myself, when I first met her I always used to tell her that I wasn't the type of guy I would expect her to go for. She's sort of a trophy girlfriend and I would expect her to have the trophy boyfriend. I always used to tell her that I would have thought she would go for my mate (we'll call him Roofy), they were more suited at first glance.

She asks me to pick her up from the station last night at 8. I drive to the station at 8, at 8:40 I'm still waiting. I call her up and she tells me she's on the wrong train and has ended up somewhere else. What? No text or phone call to let me know?

I decide to pop to the pub for a pint and pick her up when the train she's now on finally gets to our station. Imagine my suprise when she gets off the train and she's with Roofy! They just happened to have been at the wrong station at the same time. Roofy is a creature of habit and would never have been were they say they bumped into each other.

Roofy is also a serial love rat (for want of a better term). Just a coincidence I hear you cry but if I add this to the strange behaviour over the last couple of months and 2 + 2 actually does equal 4.

There are other examples that lead me to this belief but I really can't be bothered to bore you.....anyway, not gonna do anything yet, will just see how things go before acting.

On the car cd: Ordinary Boys - Brassbound

On this day: A massive riot in Brixton, South London, results in more than 300 police injuries and 65 serious civilian injuries

Talk Hard!

Monday, April 03, 2006

Who on earth....

....invented the weekend? Why not make it a 2 day week and a 5 day weekend? Missed a huge opportunity in my opinion....

Really can't be bothered today, feeling v tired (I need to check previous posts, do I say this every Monday?)

Wasted 2 hours this morning trying to steal another link from Malcolm's site, I wanted the cool clocks he's found. One to count up from my last cigarette and another to count down to the gig I myself am going. I also wanted a nice clock in the upper left hand corner of the page but I failed, miserably, I'm not clever enough.... no idea how to position the clock over there....

On the car cd: Del Amitri - Waking Hours

On this day: Crucifixion of Jesus (0033)

Talk Hard:

Days since last cigarette: 253

Sunday, April 02, 2006

Sport on Sunday

Grand prix and Boat Race day!

Blog: Part 1

Just finished watching the the F1 grand prix, what a load of pants. Jenson couldn't have done worse if he'd set off backwards. Seems it was a problem getting heat into the front tyres... and then, can you believe it, his engine goes on the final corner and he rolls to a halt about 75 yards from the finish!
Seems his race engineer told him not to cross the line, even though he could have rolled over, so that he doesn't have to take a ten place position drop in three weeks time beacause of the engine change. I think I would rather have had the three points in the bag and worried about the next race when I got to it.

Pole position to tenth place, PANTS!

To be continued....

Blog: Part Deux

And so my day was ruined, Cambridge not taking advantage of the first bend that favoured their station, Oxford rowing through them during the second, their favoured bend. And so Oxford triumph two years running, my misery is complete.

At least the football went my way yesterday, the boys beating Villa 5-0 and Sp*rs getting shagged by the Toon Army. Yesterday was one of a very small amount of days where I don't mind the Geordies winning.... Even Jon Stead managed to get his first goal of the season for the Mackems!

On the car cd:

On this Day: Argentina invade the Falkland Islands (1982)

Talk Hard!

Days without a cigarette: 252

Saturday, April 01, 2006


Jenson get pole at qualifying in the Australian grand prix. Could this actually be the race where Master Button gets his first ever top level win? I doubt it but I live in hope......

Jenson on his way to pole position

Shopping day at Asda, just watching the Boat Race preview before I go fight my way around the supermarket. Will be shouting for Cambridge as usual, they lost last year but I'm sure they won't let Oxford win two years running....

Oxford & Cambridge

The Durham Regatta, as mentioned yesterday, takes place on 10th & 11th June 2006. It's in the rules that it will be a red hot on both days, see you there!

On the car cd: Thin Lizzy - Greatest Hits

On this day: Apple Computer Company is formed by Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak (1976)

Talk Hard!

Days since last cigarette: 251