Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's Friday Eve

Nearly the weekend!

An amazing amount of plonkers on the road this morning.

The first in a black Renault Megane who decided it was fun to under take all of the cars and then weave in and out of traffic like a nutter... before darting from the fast lane right across to an exit ramp.

The second was a black Golf I think. The exit ramp I take is 2 lanes, the roundabout at the bottom has 4 exits, so therefore you would guess the left hand lane serves the left and straight ahead exits and the right hand lane serves the 2 right hand exits on the far side of the roundabout. When the left hand lane is busy you always get a number of folks going down the left hand lane then going all the way around the outside, which usually also involves cutting up anyone in the correct lane trying to use one of those 2 far side exits... this morning there was only myself and a car in front of me in the right hand lane but this Golf still insists on coming down the left hand side, going all the way around the outside and he cuts up the Astra in front of me.

I bet he's smiling to himself, thinking how chuffed he is that he pushed in front of 2 cars... until after another mile or so, he realises the Astra and myself are still behind him.. pulling into the same works car park. Well I didn't need to say anything, Astra bloke gave him the full-on hairdryer treatment, leaving him in no doubt what he would do to him if he ever did it again. Oh I laughed.

On the car iPod: LeAnn Rimes - Family
On this day: The Mary Rose, a Tudor gunship which sunk on July 18th 1545, is raised from the sea bed in the Solent channel, near Portsmouth (1982)

Talk Hard!


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