Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Work, Women & Football (in no particular order)

Morning all

So I changed jobs recently. I was really happy in my other job, despite the hassle and logistical problems of me getting there. There was an opening at work and both my boss and I were promoted but while I was briefly working on another project there was a shuffle and someone was brought in above both of us. Now I know this person to say hello to, he seemed nice enough, but we'd heard rumours of his management style... and it turned out to be true, only a eleventy million times worse. After 3 months I'd had enough... so I begged and begged a couple of the top bosses at my old site to transfer me back, and they dutifully obliged.

So here I am learning a new role in a job I don't want, wondering what to do next... if I said I wasn't depressed I'd be lying. I've always been the bridesmaid when it comes to my career, always coming second in interviews, always just missing out on the job I want. There's one or two opportunities coming up to at work to get me back doing what I want to be doing but it's hard to motivate myself, it's hard to believe that something won't jump up at the last minute and spoil things... least there are more women at this site. If I was to sleep with all of them... twice, it may bring a slight smile to this otherwise miserable face. My taste in women seems to be changing, I'm attracted to "plain Jane's" at the moment, especially skinny ginger ones? I'm, not sure were that came from but I've always fancied the pants of Nicola Roberts (Girls Aloud), so maybe it started there.

On a brighter note, the team won last night. A goal away from home in the CL, RvP the scorer... at least it keeps Harriet happy, she's quite attracted to RvP.

EDIT: I wasn't quite sure if I made it clear that i'm no happier in the new job? I'm not happy! The good thing is I don't have an over aggresive boss who likes confrontations...

On the car's iPod: Crash Test Dummies - A Worm's Life
On this day: The UK successfully tests a nuclear weapon (1952)

Talk hard!


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