Tuesday, February 19, 2008


Morning, it's a very cold -4 outside this morning (unless you live somewhere really cold, where -4 is like summer to you...).

A couple of things a forgot to mention yesterday...

There was a death in the family late last week. Poor little Robin Van Persie (RVP), or Hambo for short, is no more. I cleaned him out the day we left for Amsterdam but when we came back Harriet noticed that his cage was tidy (RVP had a thing for trashing the place) so she opened his hamster igloo and found him curled up stone cold. Tears were shed by Miss Hard-on as I steralised his cage and gave him a burial in the back garden (he actually went in a plastic bag and in the wheely bin but don't tell her!).

Then it was off to Pets R Us At Home World or whatever it's called, to adopt a new one. We picked a little (tiny) boy this time (not sure what sex RVP was?) and he has the cutest black fur. His official show name is Theo Walcott but Harriet has taken to calling him Blacky for short...

Also, I mentioned a couple of weeks ago about my local's break in. A special members meeting was called and a couple of hundred of us turned up a week last Sunday. The first thing announced was that no questions could be asked or would be answered... now you can imagine how that went down, a couple of hundred people turn up with burning questions to be told that they can't ask any questions. The official figure given was £13,500 stolen, which was in the safe but the safe was open with the key in it. At the end of the meeting I approached the Secretary, the Asst Secretury, the Treasurer and the Chairman and simply said "I've never heard such a load of sh*t, all of you should be f**king ashamed of yourselves" and then left. Last week I received a letter stating I was charged with foul & abusive behaviour towards club officials, and that I was barred until I appear before the committee this coming Wednesday night.

Today's blog is brought to you by 19 year old Vanessa Anne Hudgens from Thirteen, Thunderbirds and the High School Musical series.

On this day: British explorer William Smith discovers the South Shetlands Islands, and claims them in the name of King George III (1819)

On the car iPod: Carrie Underwood - Carnival Ride

Talk Hard!


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