Monday, November 26, 2007

Tick tick tick tick...

Hello Blogland!

I forgot to blog, would you believe it!? The little part of my brain that does the blogging must have got confused.

So, what's been going on? Erm, I have 80% of my crimbo shopping done, that's pretty good news. Started wrapping yesterday, or should I say Harriet did. Just need pressies for mum & Harriet and I'm done. Actually, when you take into consideration that I only buy for mum, Harriet and Harry Jnr I'm only 33.3% done.

Hambo is still alive... just! He made a bid for freedom on Saturday. He was running about in his ball and I got a bit over-confident. I took the top off the ball and let him run up my stomach. he was ok for a couple of minutes... but then decided to launch himself over the top of the sofa in his version of The Great Escape. I just managed to grap him.

I bought I new wall clock yesterday. For the last 4'ish years I've had a Moe clock (The Simpsons). I ticks really loudly, but I've always managed to put up with it. Recently though I've been struggling to sleep and it doesn't help when your ears ick up on the ticking. It sounds like someone banging a tin drum as hard as they can. All it takes is to hear one single tick and then I'm done for, I hear every single tick getting louder and louder until I have to get up and move the clock into another room. So yesterday I went to Argos and bought a digital wall clock. Peace at last.

Incidently, the doctor prescribed sleeping tablets to see if it made a difference. I took 2 on Friday night and woke up and lunch time on Saturday. Excellent!

On this day: Concorde makes its last ever flight over Bristol, UK (2003)
On the car iPod thingie: Duran Duran - Red Carpet Massacre

Talk Hard!


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