Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Paint the whole world with a rainbow!

Well there's not much happening in the world of Harry at the moment...

Went for a drive along the sea front with Harriet last night to watch the Amsterdam ferry leave, was nice but depressing, as we weren't on it! Called in to Morrison's at Seaburn to get something nice for tea... and spent £40!!! Had a quick pint at Harry's local Gentlemen's club then home for pizza.

Sat down to watch Sunday's Top Gear and found that it hadn't copied correctly!!! I think there is a repeat on tonight so all is not lost.

On this day: Rainbow, a British tv programme for children debuts. Emmerdale (Farm), the UK soap opera debuts (1972)
On the car iPod: You know, I really really can't remember what I was listening to?!

Talk Hard!


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