Friday, October 26, 2007


I've been rushed off my feet at work this week, and I couldn't be arsed last weekend, so apologies for the lack of blogging going on!

Arsenal were magnificent in europe on Tuesday night, a 7-0 victory against Slavia Prague. And Sp*rs manager Jabba the Hut, sorry, Martin Jol was sacked last night. So after last weekends sporting let downs (Sunderland, England Rugby, England Footy and Lewis Hamilton) things are on the up. A difficult game for Arsenal this weekend though at Anfield, lets hope our form continues...

Managed to get a huge bulk of Christmas shopping in last night, it's not like me to be this prepared. Young Harry's christmas wish list appeared and I got all but one of the items!! Only need to get Harriets and Mum's gifts and I'm done. Harriet gets everything else and I just hand over my wallet, which is easy.

The problem is going to be deciding what to buy Harriet. I never get any ideas from her and i'm not exactly an expert and buying suitable things. I'm wouldn't buy her a hoover, or a new set of pots & pans, I'm not that bad.

Off to Manchester this afternoon, lots of work to do... must dash!

On this day: The Football Association is formed (1863)
On the car iPod: Pink Floyd - Delicate Sound Of Thunder

Friday, October 19, 2007

I need a lottery win!

Well I missed a couple of days due to being seriously busy at work... seriously busy applying for other jobs to be exact. My company has jumped on the bandwagon and is relocating a proportion of its business somewhere a little to far for me to commute. I've actually got a head start as I'm one of only a handful of people who know... but more news on this when it's actually announced.

RVP update - He's out injured for a month after picking up a knee injury in an international match the other night (that's the footballer, not the hamster).

RVP update - He was spotted last night swinging from the roof of his cage. He had disappeared into his little cotton wool filled house and hadn't been spotted for a few days (that's the hamster, not the footballer).

On this day: Saddam Hussein goes on tril in Baghdad for crimes against humanity (2005)
On the car iPod: Sugababes - Change

Talk Hard!

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Paint the whole world with a rainbow!

Well there's not much happening in the world of Harry at the moment...

Went for a drive along the sea front with Harriet last night to watch the Amsterdam ferry leave, was nice but depressing, as we weren't on it! Called in to Morrison's at Seaburn to get something nice for tea... and spent £40!!! Had a quick pint at Harry's local Gentlemen's club then home for pizza.

Sat down to watch Sunday's Top Gear and found that it hadn't copied correctly!!! I think there is a repeat on tonight so all is not lost.

On this day: Rainbow, a British tv programme for children debuts. Emmerdale (Farm), the UK soap opera debuts (1972)
On the car iPod: You know, I really really can't remember what I was listening to?!

Talk Hard!

Monday, October 15, 2007

What a boring weekend!

Well, apart from a couple of quick pints on Saturday night while watching the rugby, I never made it to the pub at all over the weekend. Friday and Sunday nights are my usual nights for inducing hangovers.

Harriet is off work today, I really really really really really really really really really didn't want to get up this morning. It's not fair getting up and leaving someone all tucked up in your duvet. I didn't get into work until 08:50 too, which means I will have to stay until 16:50!

I think I read somewhere that South Africa beat Argentina in the other rugby semi final. I suppose I may watch the final, I'm actually not sure when it is? Next weekend maybe?

And as a result of being late, I just ran out of blogging time, need to go to a meeting... just enough time for the last bit.

On this day: The first supersonic land speed record is set by Andy Greek (UK) in Thrust SSC (1997)
On the car iPod: Sugababes - Change

Talk hard!

Sunday, October 14, 2007



Missed the blog yesterday, I kept thinking that I must sit down and write something but I just never got around to it.

Didn't do much yesterday, watched the footy on the tv, the first half was good but the second half wasn't. Then went to the pub and watched the rugby. I didn't go especially to watch it, but it was showing on all the tv's so you couldn't really avoid it. I must say, I did nearly enjoy it. As I mentioned, rugby isn't my favourite sport but I suppose it was quite exciting. I'll be in the pub again tonight and I would imagine the other semi final will be showing, so I'll probably watch that too.

Don't forget, episode 2 of Top Gear tonight, BBC2, 8pm.

On this day: The UK introduces the 50p coin, replacing the 10 shilling note, in anticipation of the decimalisation of the currency in 1971 (1969)
On the car iPod: (nothing, I haven't been out)

Talk hard!

Friday, October 12, 2007


Morning everyone, last one before the weekend, unless you live in the hot country that I recently spent a couple of months in, where it's the weekend now! I know it sounds good, but just try getting used to working on a Sunday on a normal rate of pay...

Not a lot happening at the moment to be honest. Invites to a stag night and a wedding night for Saturday, think I'll pass on both both and have a quiet night in. Out with the boys in the local tonight, that should result in a hangover tomorrow. I don't have to take Harriet to work in the morning so there is a chance of a very very rare lie in, which I probably won't take and get up early as usual instead.

There isn't much good tv on at the moment is there? I know we can all rejoice in the new series of Top Gear, but apart from that I can't think of anything? No Criminal Minds, no The Unit, no Hotel Babylon, no Hustle etc etc. I thought the new Virgin 1 channel might offer some good things but it's full of repeats.

No sport to talk of either. Football has the international break and tomorrow see's England take on some pointless country. I suppose it's exciting for some, if talk surrounding whether Michael Owen can lace his boots up without breaking a metatarsal excites you?!

And there's rugby. England take on the French tomorrow in some semi-final. I'd rather gouge my eyes out with a blunt pencil than watch rugby!

On the car iPod: Level 42 - Retroglide
On this day: The Day of Six Billion - The proclaimed 6 billionth living human in the world is born (1999)

Talk Hard!

Thursday, October 11, 2007

It's Friday Eve

Nearly the weekend!

An amazing amount of plonkers on the road this morning.

The first in a black Renault Megane who decided it was fun to under take all of the cars and then weave in and out of traffic like a nutter... before darting from the fast lane right across to an exit ramp.

The second was a black Golf I think. The exit ramp I take is 2 lanes, the roundabout at the bottom has 4 exits, so therefore you would guess the left hand lane serves the left and straight ahead exits and the right hand lane serves the 2 right hand exits on the far side of the roundabout. When the left hand lane is busy you always get a number of folks going down the left hand lane then going all the way around the outside, which usually also involves cutting up anyone in the correct lane trying to use one of those 2 far side exits... this morning there was only myself and a car in front of me in the right hand lane but this Golf still insists on coming down the left hand side, going all the way around the outside and he cuts up the Astra in front of me.

I bet he's smiling to himself, thinking how chuffed he is that he pushed in front of 2 cars... until after another mile or so, he realises the Astra and myself are still behind him.. pulling into the same works car park. Well I didn't need to say anything, Astra bloke gave him the full-on hairdryer treatment, leaving him in no doubt what he would do to him if he ever did it again. Oh I laughed.

On the car iPod: LeAnn Rimes - Family
On this day: The Mary Rose, a Tudor gunship which sunk on July 18th 1545, is raised from the sea bed in the Solent channel, near Portsmouth (1982)

Talk Hard!

Wednesday, October 10, 2007


Is it me or did it turn bloody cold yesterday?

I've got man-flu I think, I need to go lie down in a warm cosy bed. Someone told me in the pub last night that there is a test to see if you have real flu. He said you drop a £20 note on the floor and try to bend down to pick it up, if you can then you don't have flu... I know a few people who could bend down to pick a £20 note up with a broken back, never mind flu!

Looking at the weather forecast, tomorrow it gets a little warmer but turns cold again on Sunday.

Managed to get away from work at a reasonable time yesterday, about 17:30 I think it was. Monday I worked 07:45 til 19:30, last Friday I was here til 19:30... friday night and I was at work, how sad! I can't believe it's only Wednesday, this week is going so slow.

On the car iPod: Various - Radio One Established Since 1967
On this day: Sold, dismantled and moved to the United States, the London Bridge reopens in Havasu City, Arizona (1971)

Talk Hard!

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Another Headache (5 out of the last 8 days?)

I think I've got a brain tumour!?

Put RVP's house back in order last night, woke up this morning and another rearranging session had taken place, the whole house is up in the tubing section again. Wierd thing.

Didn't leave work until gone 19:30 last night and I'd arrived before 08:00. And my new boss had the cheek to suggest I'd done nothing!!

I am hooked on Facebook!

2 years, 2 months and 15 days since my last smoke!!!

On the car iPod: Various - Radio One Established Since 1967

On this day: Smoking is fully band on the UK rail network (2005)

Monday, October 08, 2007

Hamster Sex

The weekend is over, oh I just love Monday mornings...

It seems I've bought the weirdest Hamster ever? I put his (her?) little house in the corner of the cage and he (she?) decided to make a little home behind it... so I moved it into the middle. He (she?) then decided he liked to sleep behind his (her?) little litter toilet thingy... so I moved that into the middle. I went to bed hoping he (she?) would finally go to sleep in his (her?) nice cosy house. I wake up this morning, he (she?) has dragged the entire contents of the house up into the external tubing and made a little bed up there?! I think Harriets insistance on using the name Hambo, instead of his (her?) real name of RVP, is confusing him (her?).

I must find out how to tell the sex of a Hamster.

In the end a good result for Arsenal yesterday, 2 - 0 up inside 14 minutes thanks to goals for RVP and Senderos, it looked like we were going for a cricket score. But Wallace made it 2 - 1 on 25 minutes and Jones got one on 48 minutes to make it 2 - 2. RVP bagged his 2nd in the 80th minute to make it 3 - 2 and with McShane sent off in the 90th minute, Sunderland were put to bed.

Decided to stay in last night, attempted to watch V For Vendetta, was crap... so I switched to Snakes On A Plane, was slightly more crap... so ended up on repeats of Harry Enfield & Chums, pure gold!

On the car iPod: LeAnn Rimes - Family

On this day: A three train disaster in London kills 112 people (1952).

Talk Hard!

Sunday, October 07, 2007

Am I Dreaming?!

It all came down to a bad team decision, they left young Hamilton out on his original set of tyres too long. In my mind, watching other drivers times compared to Hamilton's, watching them gain 3, 4 or even 7 seconds a lap on him, they should have reacted a lot quicker and brought him in for new boots. As it was, you could visibly see the rear right tyre de-laminating and with no grip, he couldn't make the turn into the pit lane and ended up in the gravel trap.

Hamilton is out of the Chinese GP

All is not lost though, he just needs to stay focused in the last race of the season (21st Oct in Brazil). If Hamilton finishes in front of the nasty Spaniard and the boring Finn, then it's all over. If the nasty Spaniard wins then Hamilton must come second. If the boring Finn wins then Hamilton must finish 4th or higher (and we will all fall asleep listening to the Finn speak in the press conf).

And it gets worse. As I type, Sunderland have come back from 0 - 2 down to 2 - 2 in there game against the Arsenal. We were cruising in the first 15 minutes, we should have been 3 - 0 up but for a bad decision from the linesman to rule out the 3rd goal for offside.

Arsenal striker Robin Van Persie

Went to Pet Corner R Us At Home World yesterday... couldn't fit an Emu in the car though so came home with a hamster. I'll try and get a pic of him (or her?) later but he's (she's?) asleep right now. He's (she's?) been christened RVP after the Arsenal striker Robin Van Persie (it was either that or Hammond, after the Top Gear host). After the amount of time he spent on his wheel last night I would think (GET IN!!! Van Persie just scored to make it 3 - 2 to Arsenal!!!) the hamster is fitter than the footballer. I read last night that they run between 4 and 8 miles during the night! (hamsters not footballers...).

RVP's house (the hamster, not the footballer!)

Going to pick Harriet up from work later and go out for Sunday lunch, I hope they get the bill right this time!

On the car iPod: Mike Lindup - Changes

On this day: The last ever competitive match at Wembley Stadium is a 1-0 defeat of England to Germany and the last goal was scored by Liverpool's Dietmar Hammann. The match was Tony Adams' (come on the Arsenal!) 60th at Wembley setting the record for most appearances at the stadium.

Talk Hard!

Saturday, October 06, 2007

It's the weekend!

Good afternoon!

Woke up with a hangover this morning after a night in the local establishment with my mate, the tall bald one. Seem to remember I got home and had 6 slices of toast? Was up early this morning to take Harriet to work, then had a quick run around Asda to do the weekly shop.

I decided this morning I'm going to get myself a hamster, so it's off to Pets R Us at Home or whatever the shop is called to pick one (or two?) this afternoon. I'm gonna buy the biggest hamster house possible, one with all the tubes and toys and stuff...

...although I did notice in Google news this morning that you can now keep Emu's without a licence. Hmm, Emu or Hamster?

So, Master Hamilton ended on pole position for tomorrows Chinese GP in this mornings qualifying session. He just needs to stay in front of the nasty Spaniard and the boring Finn in tomorrow's race to clinch the world championship in his rookie year. What an achievement that will be!

Tomorrow also sees my team take on my home town of Sunderland at the Emirates stadium. I've lost count of the amount of times the lads in the local have asked if the Emirates scoreboard goes into double figures.

On the car iPod: Various - Radio One Established 1967
On this day: The great fire of Newcastle & Gateshead started shortly after midnight, leaving 53 dead and hundreds injured (1854)

Talk Hard!

Friday, October 05, 2007

Money Matters


Have to go through a couple of hundred customer complaints today (oh joy!) so this will be a quick one.

Went out for a meal last night with Harriet. It's a place we found about a month ago, the meals are nice and the staff friendly. This was our fourth visit and last night was no different, the food was great, until I go to pay the bill. Our card machine isn't working says the Bar Keep, oh dear I reply, that may have been useful information when I arrived but doesn't really help me now. He tells me the bill is £41 and change. I have £35 in my wallet... so off into the night I go in search of a cash machine. I offer to leave Harriet as security but he doesn't seem impressed?

What seems like hours later I finally find a machine and set off back to the pub... and I start to think about the bill. Now Thursday is always packed out in this pub because it is 2 x Rumps for £11 special night. Add £1.50 for pepper sauce, 50p for a bbq dip, £2 for garlic bread & cheese and that comes to £15. Now I have the car and I NEVER have more than 2 pints to drink, Harriet had an orange then a coffee. I start to think that this is the most expensive pub in the world... 2 pints of John Smiths, a coffee and an orange for £26?!

So I get back to the pub and the Bar Keep has a sheepish look on his face... erm there were some things on your bill that aren't yours... it's really£23. Ah, and I had £35 in my wallet all along, what fun!

I get up this morning... So when do you need to start paying your credit card off says Harriet. BUGGER! says I. The payment is due tomorrow and I've forgotten all about it. The Capital One call centre in India took great pleasure in telling about my £12 late payment charge...

So... no one mention money today!

On the car iPod: Radio 2 (again)
On this day: The Ladbroke Grove train crash in West London kills 31

Talk Hard!

Thursday, October 04, 2007

Sex & Relationships

So, yesterday I mentioned about the women thing. Let me clarify. I love Harriet, very much infact. She makes me laugh, cry, smile, angry etc etc just like anyone you love should. I would be quite happy to spend the rest of my life with her, honestly.

So why am I attracted to other women? Why can I not resist? I know (and understand) why you would read this and suggest that I can't be in love with Harriet if I'm attracted to other people, but I assure you, I love her very much. I just like the excitement of someone new, someone different. I know everything about Harriet, what makes her tick, how to push her buttons... but I love to find those things out about other people, how to please them, how to pleasure them. There is nothing like the smile on a girls face when you get 'it' right. I'm a giver, always have been, always will be... watching a girl lose control because she is overcome with pleasure is inspiring.

I've actually been faithful for well over a year to be honest. I suppose a lack of time and other things have conspired to prevent me from being anything else but faithful. But I'm always on the look out for a sex buddy, maybe this recent office move will pay dividends... there are quite a few good looking girls around.

On the car iPod: Radio 2
On this day: Snoopy's first appearance (1950)

Talk Hard!

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Work, Women & Football (in no particular order)

Morning all

So I changed jobs recently. I was really happy in my other job, despite the hassle and logistical problems of me getting there. There was an opening at work and both my boss and I were promoted but while I was briefly working on another project there was a shuffle and someone was brought in above both of us. Now I know this person to say hello to, he seemed nice enough, but we'd heard rumours of his management style... and it turned out to be true, only a eleventy million times worse. After 3 months I'd had enough... so I begged and begged a couple of the top bosses at my old site to transfer me back, and they dutifully obliged.

So here I am learning a new role in a job I don't want, wondering what to do next... if I said I wasn't depressed I'd be lying. I've always been the bridesmaid when it comes to my career, always coming second in interviews, always just missing out on the job I want. There's one or two opportunities coming up to at work to get me back doing what I want to be doing but it's hard to motivate myself, it's hard to believe that something won't jump up at the last minute and spoil things... least there are more women at this site. If I was to sleep with all of them... twice, it may bring a slight smile to this otherwise miserable face. My taste in women seems to be changing, I'm attracted to "plain Jane's" at the moment, especially skinny ginger ones? I'm, not sure were that came from but I've always fancied the pants of Nicola Roberts (Girls Aloud), so maybe it started there.

On a brighter note, the team won last night. A goal away from home in the CL, RvP the scorer... at least it keeps Harriet happy, she's quite attracted to RvP.

EDIT: I wasn't quite sure if I made it clear that i'm no happier in the new job? I'm not happy! The good thing is I don't have an over aggresive boss who likes confrontations...

On the car's iPod: Crash Test Dummies - A Worm's Life
On this day: The UK successfully tests a nuclear weapon (1952)

Talk hard!

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Start Me Up

So, 537 days since last posting... I'd use the term lazy to be fair. I got to catching up on Malcolm's blog yesterday, and it just got me into the mood to blog again.

I suppose I'll attempt to write something as often as possible, it's time to once again Pump Up The Volume!

I'm still not smoking, I must mention that... cos I'm v proud. It's now 2 years gone July since I last smoked. I've got a new car and a new job, I spent 2 months in the sun working in the worlds most modern city, my divorce came through, Harriet is still here after 3 years, I am addicted to sex with anyone except Harriet, I've stopped going to the gym and I still haven't won the Euro Lottery.

Now, how did I used to end these ramblings...?

On the car iPod (no plain old cd for this boy... the new car has a usb port for me to plug my iPod thingy into): David Gilmour - On An Island

On this day: Richard III was born (1452). He married the widow of the Prince Of Wales... and then imprisoned his mother-in-law for life. What a star!

Talk Hard!